


I would like to talk about setsubun.

It's a traditional ceremony held on February 3rd to ward off evil.

Literally, setsu means a season and bun means dividing, so setsubun originally was the day before the 1st day of the season, but today only the eve of risshun, or the first day of spring according to the lunar calendar,  is referred to by that name. It's not a national hoiday.


On Setsubun people enjoy mame-maki, a bean-throwing ceremony. they  throw roasted soybeans in and around their houses, shouting “Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!” which means “Out with demons! In with good luck!” This ceremony is performed to bring in good fortune and drive away evil spirits. Sometimes one person  acts as the demon and runs around, while the others throw beans at him or her. It is customary for people to eat the same number of beans as their own age.


Mamemaki also take place at major shrines and temples. Well-known personalities, such as sumo wrestlers and actors, are invited as special guests to throw good luck beans for all those present.   Men and women born under the Zodiac sign for the year can also participate in the event. 


There is another custom which has been popular these days. This is eating specially prepared rolled sushi called ehomaki while facing the year's lucky direction.

Many people buy ready-made  ehomaki at supermarkets, suhi-restaurants, or department stores